Energy and Environment Partnership Trust Fund (EEP Africa)


The Energy and Environment Partnership Trust Fund (EEP Africa) is a clean energy financing facility hosted and managed by the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) with funding from Austria, Finland and NDF. It is guided by a vision for a climate-resilient, zero-carbon future with the aim of contributing to the achievement of the Paris Agreement on climate change and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

EEP Africa provides early-stage grant and catalytic financing to innovative clean energy projects, technologies and business models in 15 countries across Southern and East Africa. Since 2010, EEP Africa has committed more than EUR 70 million to 250 pioneering projects.

Type of Assistance

Clean Energy Financing: EEP Africa channels funding through two windows. EEP Innovation provides early stage grant financing to projects in active development. Selection is based on competitive, open calls-for-proposals. EEP Catalyst is intended to provide flexible, follow-on debt financing to successful EEP Africa grantees with the purpose of closing financing gaps and crowding-in new investors.

Investment Facilitation and Business Development Support: EEP Africa improves the investment readiness of projects through targeted business support services and by facilitating linkages with the investor community.

Knowledge, Policy and Partnerships: EEP Africa leverages the extraordinary applied learning happening inside its diverse project portfolio to develop a wide range of knowledge products that advance clean energy understanding and awareness.


EEP Innovation window provides early-stage grants and repayable grants between EUR 200,000 and EUR 500,000. The minimum co-financing is 30% of the total project budget.

Companies (presently 40% are start-ups), Non-profit Organisations, Social Enterprises.

Biofuels Liquid, Biogas, Cookstoves, Energy Efficiency, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Solid Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, Wind Power, other RE/EE technology or combination of technologies

Feasibility Studies or Pilot, Demonstration, Replication, or Scale-up Projects. Project should implement innovative clean energy plans, technologies and business models, with a particular focus on clean energy for productive use and clean energy in circular economy solutions. Eligible technologies are Biofuels liquid, Biogas, Cookstoves, Energy Efficiency, Hybrid, Hydropower, Solar PV, Solar thermal, Solid biomass, Waste to energy and Wind power.

EEP makes a selection based on:

    • 1. Innovation
    • 2. Impact
    • 3. Financial Sustainability