• Procurement for World Bank-financed project is usually led by the Borrower through an implementation agency, not by the World Bank.
  • Four broad procurement systems:
    • International Competition.
    • National Competition.
    • Procurement Arrangements of another Multilateral or Bilateral Development Bank.
    • Borrower’s Arrangements, in full if assessed and acceptable.
  • Tailored procurement approaches to suit the project.
  • Contract is with the Borrower under their legal framework (international arbitration if international), again not with the World Bank.
  • Fraud and corruption (public debarment), good governance.


  • Be informed about the country and project pipeline. Determine areas of focus, countries/procurement type etc.
  • Consider how you will respond to project needs. Propose tailor-made solutions.
  • Identify local partners and others for any joint ventures, a consortium or other forms of partnership.
  • Previous technical and country experience is usually critical.
  • Understand local customs, laws, markets.
  • Use the implementing agency, trade missions, economic or diplomatic representations, technical cooperation agencies for concerns, clarifications and questions.
  • Evaluate risks (project risk, commercial risk, infrastructure risk and general country risk) and their possible mitigations.


  • Make a pre-bid visit (if indicated even more if requested).
  • Attend bidder information meetings, whether mandatory or not.
  • Fully address the requirements.
  • Emphasize methodology for delivery and implementation – innovate if you can.
  • Propose alternatives or variants if allowed. Propose a strong Project Manager and qualified experts.
  • Cite relevant technical and regional experience similar to the assignment – more significant and similar the better.
  • Involve national partners, consider joint ventures, consortiums or other forms of partnership.
  • Don’t deviate from standard Request For Proposal (RFP) forms/conditions. Comply strictly to what is requested.
  • Conditions or qualifications will lead to rejection.
  • Get official clarification: If any provisions of the bidding/ proposal document are unclear or unacceptable, submit an official inquiry in writing to the Borrower cc the World Bank before the bid closing date or such date as may be specified.
  • Submit a professional bid signed by an authorized individual ensuring all supporting documents are included.
  • Carefully review qualification and evaluation criteria. Failure to satisfy qualification criteria results in high bid rejection rate.
  • Prepare a worst, likely and best case simulation to finetune price policy.
  • Your bid file is your business card, thus make it as attractive as possible and allow an easy reading and understanding of it for the evaluation team.


  • Cover letter enclosed.
  • Index page enclosed.
  • Amount, validity and text of Bid Security, if requested.
  • Signatures/stamp and power of attorney, proxy enclosed.
  • Joint venture or open consortium agreement enclosed.
  • Company presentation enclosed.
  • References (reference list, reference letters) enclosed.
  • Discounts in covering letter or appropriate place as specified in the bidding/proposal document.
  • Marking of envelopes as appropriate and requested. Consider correct labeling as requested.
  • Consider a copy of the entire submitted bid original for your files and follow-up.


  • Incomplete Bids.
  • No, wrong or insufficient Amount of Bid Security.
  • Expiration and Extension of Bid Validity.
  • Lack of Supporting Documents.
  • Bids not signed and/or stamped.
  • Wrong making or marking of envelopes. Consider separate financial, technical and/or administrative envelopes if requested.
  • Joint venture or consortium partner as bidder in another bid.
  • Conflict of interest.


  • Be on time, preferably earlier: Submit bid within the stipulated deadline and place. Late bids, even by one minute, will not be accepted and rejected.
  • During bid opening, ensure that:
    • all relevant prices are read out
    • all discounts are read out
    • presence and amount of bid security is read out
    • no envelope remains unopened
    • all the above is recorded correctly
    • the record is signed by all bidders present and by the purchaser representatives
  • Be aware of possible extension: There may be a request to extend the bid validity and bid security periods, as in certain cases the evaluation of bids requires more time than originally expected. This extension request may even pop up shortly prior the initial submission date.

Source: – this old FD CBL ACP article is still relevant.



Manon Kizizié
Head of Financial Division